

Welcome to the new Academic year 2021 / 2022



Date: 10th September 2021 

Dear Parents and Carers, 

Letter from Headteacher - Welcome to the new Academic year 2021 / 2022 

I hope that you and your families had a restful and enjoyable summer break. We welcomed all our students back  to the college this week and it was a real pleasure to see them and to start the Autumn Term. In particular, I  would like to say a big welcome to our new Year 7 and Year 12 students. 

I am pleased to share with you our Ofsted report from the monitoring visit in July 2021, which was released  today. It is an extremely positive report and highlights the rapid improvement we, as a school, are making. I am  attaching the report with this letter for your information. The key findings are: 

  • Leaders and those responsible for governance are taking effective action in order for the school to  become a good school. 
  • Since the last Section 5 inspection, you made rapid improvements to ensure that you are providing  pupils with a broad and ambitious curriculum. 
  • Pupils can clearly and confidently talk about what they have enjoyed learning across a range of subjects.
  • You have a clear focus on making sure that every pupil, regardless of their starting point, can read with  confidence. 

To continue with our high standards and expectations of our students, I would like to remind parents and carers  of the equipment, uniform and attendance requirements: 

  • A full equipment list can be found on our website here 
  • The school uniform expectations can be found here 
  • If you child is absent from school, please inform us by emailing: o Further details regarding our attendance expectations can be found here 

I would also like to thank you all for encouraging your child to attend the school for their lateral flow tests and  hope that you will continue to support the school and the rest of the community by completing twice weekly  testing with your child - the lateral flow test kits will be provided to all students when received. 

I am really excited about this Academic year 2021 / 2022 and look forward to working with you as we together  support the school’s improvement journey. 

Kind regards, 

Mr Stuart Smith 
