

Here at Thomas Bennett Community College we take safeguarding very seriously. We consider the safeguarding or our students and our staff our number one priority. We believe strongly that every student has a right to learn in a safe environment and every member of staff has the right to be safe when at work. We have a very large and experienced staff team who are all trained in safeguarding and they are kept up to date regularly.  We deliver lessons and assembly on safety to our students and we ensure our parents are kept up to date on all safeguarding matters. 

The safeguarding team consists of three levels. We have the designated safeguarding lead which is Chris Kibble and he manages safeguarding across the school. We have deputy designated safeguarding leads which are our Heads of year and we have assistant designated safeguarding leads who all do different roles across the school.

 “Dedicated to keeping our community safe and well”

When a parent or member of staff recognises there is a problem with a student in their group e.g. attendance dropping, becoming withdrawn, changes in usual behaviour, or known emotional issues – depending on the issue these concerns need to be discussed with the appropriate member of staff immediately.  Various interventions can then be put in place to support the student and/or family.

Child Protection

Should you or your child have any concerns about the welfare of any pupil please contact one of the school’s Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs).

Please be aware that if the school suspects abuse or neglect it may consider referring to Children’s Services.

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead:


Mr. C. Kibble

If you have any concerns about the safety of a student at the school, please do not hesitate to contact us on the main school number or via e-mail.